Kafi’s Closet

Your very own AI fashion consultant is here! Upload images of your entire wardrobe, and Kafi's Closet will automatically detect, save and categorize each article of clothing and accessory by type, color and more.

Keep up

You've got the clothes, but it can feel impossible to build outfits that work. Kafi's Closet can suggest outfits based on each piece in your wardrobe, so you don't have to worry if that hat clashes with that top.

Keep track

Digitizing and organizing your closet can help you take advantage of your full wardrobe as well. How many times have you pulled out a shirt and thought "Oh wow... I never even wore that once."?

Express yourself

It can feel overwhelming just to put together an outfit that doesn't flop, much less take a risk and express ourselves trying something new.

You really like that "unique" skirt you found, but you feel like it doesn't go with anything, so it remains in the closet. By suggesting several options that work, Kafi's Closet can give you that nudge you need to show your true colors.

Stay up to date!

We are hard at work making building Kafi's Closet, but would love to keep you updated on our progress and hear any suggestions you may have for us.

We are committed to keeping your information confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our contact data or lists to third parties.